Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Discover The Hidden Thailand

Thailand is more than Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai. In fact, there are a great many fascinating out-of-the-way places that regular visitors know and love, which you might like to consider adding to your itinerary when you’re planning your next trip to Thailand.

About 260 km outside Bangkok, the ancient city of Nakhon Ratchasima, also known by its historical name of Khorat, is famous for its several heritage sites that reveal the roots of traditional Thai culture. Once the gateway to the country’s northeast, the city was a major centre of the vast and influential Khmer kingdom, which stretched across much of Southeast Asia, between the 9th and 15th centuries. Life moves at a relaxed pace here, compared to the main tourist centres. Just south of Nakhon Ratchasima, in a lush river valley, is the delightful market village of Dan Kwain, well known for the fine quality of its ceramics and distinguished by the individuality of its products.

Near Nakhon Ratchasima, there are dense forests, mountains, and rivers with spectacular waterfalls. Khao Yai National Park, listed as a World Heritage site in 2005, undulates over magnificent mountain ranges blanketed by thick forests, and plunges down deep valleys with wild river courses. Wildlife is abundant and accessible and you can see elephants, tigers, monkeys, black bears, deer, butterflies, insects, and birds. This is an ideal place to spot a Hornbill, which is common in the park from August to September. You can even join tiger-spotting trips accompanied by park rangers.

The quiet riverside town of Kanchanaburi, about 130 km west of Bangkok, is another place where you can explore more of Thailand’s natural and historic treasures. Kanchanaburi lies next to the Kwai River, where the famous World War II bridge still stands (the subject of an Oscar-winning movie, The Bridge Over the River Kwai). It’s a poignant reminder of the hardship endured by those who were forced to work on the infamous Thai-Burma Railway. Natural attractions here include numerous lovely waterfalls and caves. The trek through the steamy undergrowth, to the stunning seven-tiered Erewan Waterfalls, is well worth the effort. Your reward is a plunge into the cool, clear water beneath the falls, where curious fish nibble at your toes.

North of Chiang Mai, in the jungle wilderness, is Thailand’s highest mountain, Doi Inthanon. The national park, also of that name, presents some of the regions most exciting trekking opportunities. Best accessed by motorbike, due to the rough and narrow roads, Doi Inthanon is a mountainous expanse with deep valleys that contain a rich diversity of distinctive flora and fauna. Be warned that temperatures on the mountain top can drop to –8 C and the peak is often swathed in mist. Here you’ll find the prized red and white varieties of rhododendron, as well as more than 350 bird species, more than in any other location in Thailand.

Sukhothai, Thailand’s first administrative and cultural capital, established in 1257, is today a group of well-preserved ruins. During its 120-year golden period, the old city was known for its stunning temples, statues and gardens, and is now a significant historical focal point. The site is well worth the short drive out of the current city of Sukhothai, about 400 km north of Bangkok.

Cultural Sukhothai In Thailand

Sukhothai is to modern Thailand what Rome is to Italy, or Athens to Greece, starting point, golden age, departed glory. It was the first independent Thai state. It gave its name to one of Thailands most fertile styles of Buddhist art, credited with introducing the walking Buddha to the world.

Its has turned up in places as far flung as the Philippines. Its ruins constitute a UNESCO World Heritage Site, placing it on par with the Acropolis and Angkor Wat. If we had no Sukhothai, Ayudhya, and Bangkok, said the present King of Thailand, Thailand itself would be devoid of meaning.

The old city of Sukhothai is partially enclosed by walls forming a rectangle measuring 2 km by 1.6 km. In the centre of the rectangle is the main temple, Wat Phra That.

As with many of Sukhothais temples, Phra That is remarkable not so much for its architecture, which is pocked and crumbling, but for the numerous and gigantic Buddha statues some up to 9 meters tall that sit, stand, or walk amidst the ruins.

It is almost as if the creators had intended to contrast the eternal and superlative nature of the Buddha with the ephemerality and baseness of the material world.

Si Satchanalai Traditional Gold is not only the ordinary style of goldencraft commonly being sold and purchased, but is the golden ornaments being renewable hand making by local hand weaving.

Sukhothai used to export enormous numbers of its pottery products in old time. The sustaining production is still ready to serve the tourists who want both to purchase and to have snapshots on the kilns.

Loi Krathong Festival Thailands loveliest festival is celebrated on the full moon of the twelfth lunar month, usually mid November. It is particularly picturesque amid the ruins of Sukhothais Historical Park.

The festival is believed to have originated in Sukhothai some 700 years ago. When one of the kings concubines fashioned a lantern from carved fruit, bearing a lighted candle and sent it floating away during one of the kings nightly river cruises.

Under the full moon, people float small banana leaf boats bearing a flower, lighted incense, a lighted candle and a small coin to honour the water spirits and to float away the previous years sins.

Come anytime of year if your looking for something different and dont forget to enjoy yourself, as this is a culture that has to be seen to be believed.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Discover Bangkok's History and Tourism

Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand and the first point of call for most international flights and the center for domestic travel. Over 11 million people live or work here and so it is large and congested. Accordingly the choice of hotel and its location can be important. Bangkok itself has numerous tourist attractions and these are detailed in the links on the left. The principal tourist sites in Bangkok include, The Grand Palace, Wat Phrao Kaeo [ the Temple of the Emerald Buddha ], the National Musum Bangkok, Wat Arun, Wat Suthat, Wat Pho, China town, the Chao Phraya River, the Dusit District and Vimanmek Mansion, Jim Thompson Museum, and Suan Pakkad Palace Museum. Bangkok is also in the center of various tourist places of interest available on one day or several days excursions. These include, Lop Buri, The Summer Palace, Ayutthaya, the Burma railway on the Kwai River at Kanchanaburi, Hua Hin and the South West Coast and Pattaya and the South East Coast. These are also detailed in the links on the left. For those travelling around Bangkok the summary below explains the history and hence reason for the layout of the city, the location and reason for the Canals and the functions of the River.

In 1557 King Thamaracha of Ayutthaya allowed Bangkok to be the port of entry for the Ayutthaya Kingdom. Later King Narai had French technicians build the Wichaiyen and Wichaiprasit Forts on the east and west banks of the River. They were called the Bangkok Forts. Between the Forts was a large chain hanging beneath the River to prevent unauthorized boat entry into and exit from Siam.

Previously in 1542 a canal was dug from the mouth of Bangkoknoi Canal to Bangkok Yai Canal for convenience of transportation at the time. The Chao Phraya River then changed course and the short cut canal became the River and the original river became the Canal.

After the Burmese sacked Siam and Ayutthaya in 1767, General Taksin selected Thon Buri [ on the west bank ] as the new capital for Siam, as it was an important port of entry and was well fortified. In 1773 King Taksin ordered the renovation of the City and named it Krung Thonburi.

Until 1767 Ayutthaya was the Capital of Siam and an international trade centre. At the same time Rattanakosin [ the area on the opposite east River bank ] was since 1557, a port of entry for the Ayutthaya Kingdom. It was called Bank Kok . Bangkok became the new centre of the Siamese Kingdom. Its story has 4 periods. The first is the story of Taksin and the First Kingdom at Thon Buri on the west side of the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok.

Next is the period of construction of Rattanakosin from 1782 to 1851 from the reign of Rama 1 to the end of the reign of Rama 3 [ the Era of National Peace ]. The period 1851 to 1932 is referred to as the Reformation Era before which changes in the system of government took place, and then there was the Democratic Era from 1932 from the reign of King Rama 6 until the present day.

To understand the design of Bangkok, the locations of its monuments, the River and the Canals, one needs to understand the history. To understand the design of its art and monuments one needs to appreciate mythological, religious and ethnic influences.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Akha Hill Tribe in Chiang Rai Thailand

For many visitors to Northern Thailand, a trip to visit one of the region's colourful hill tribes is a necessity. These minority groups have their photos splashed across tourist brochures and websites, adding to their appeal and intrigue. Some of the villages receive tour buses and trekking groups on a regular basis as the financial benefits outweigh any concerns over privacy.

The harsh reality of the situation is that most of these hill tribes have been marginalised and live in abject poverty. Few of them are officially recognised by the Thai authorities and they exist without any ID cards or rights. For the many tourists who are happy to get a glimpse of their rural lifestyles, they are often completely unaware of the hardship and suffering they endure.

There are over half a dozen different tribes in the area, and they are all unique in their own way with different languages, dress and customs. Among the poorest of these tribes are the Akha and consequently, they receive special attention from charity workers, anthropologists and missionary groups. They are known to the Thais by the somewhat derogatory name Egor and are usually considered worthless peasants at the bottom of the social scale.

Their origins can be traced back over a century to Tibet, before they migrated to Burma, Laos and Thailand, along with other hill tribes. Over the last two decades, they have been continually persecuted by the military regime in Burma, forcing them to flee and settle in Thailand as refugees. They remain stateless despite having been here so long, and are often exploited by corrupt officials and drug barons in the area.

The Akhas use a Lolo-Burmese language, although it has never been written down, making it difficult to trace its history accurately. Any known history has been passed on by mouth over the generations. Civil rights groups have recently created a system to document their language.

There are over 300,000 Akhas living in Thailand with the majority of the villages located in the province of Chiang Rai. They are usually subsistence farmers who grow vegetables and rice on the mountainsides, and raise pigs and chickens. The men often work in surrounding rice and tobacco fields, starting early in the morning and continuing until the last light. They receive about 100 baht per day, which is considerably less than the national minimum wage.

Their villages are often in remote locations and can be difficult to reach, meaning that the Akhas seldom leave their immediate area. Running water is still not available to all of the tribes so women are sometimes charged with the task of filling up large containers from a nearby well several times a day. A few villages have been fortunate enough to be electrified resulting in a marked improvement in living conditions. Entire families live in a simple houses constructed from bamboo and grass.

Missionary groups operating in the area have also increased problems of a religious nature. Their assistance is often dependant on certain conditions as they try to convert the Akhas to Christianity. Their methods are controversial, although the missionaries would say that they can help to improve their living conditions and future opportunities.

Questionable practices such as removing children from their family homes to give them a more civilised upbringing, has led to much criticism. The religion of the Akha people is closely tied to animism, with a strong focus on honouring ancestors and their parents, and a belief in both good and bad spirits. The presence of certain Christian groups has led to an erosion of their unique and fascinating culture.

The lack of ID cards has not stopped some of the women abandoning their villages in search of work in the big cities. Many end up working in prostitution or poorly paid massage parlours. Unfortunately, the young men often suffer a worse fate as they became smugglers for powerful drug barons. During the government crackdown on drugs in 2003, over 2,000 people were killed, many of them Akha.

The future for the Akha hilltribe is hard to predict as tourism continues to thrive in the area and the Thai authorities overlook them. Their unique culture is slowly fading away as the tour groups traipse through the villages and disturb their normal lives.

Chiang Rai – a Great Retreat

Chiang Rai is laid-back city with a rich cultural diversity that strikes an instant chord with the wanderlust traveler. The picturesque city is surrounded by mystic hills and valleys, and allures travelers to explore the terrains. Chiang Rai is Thailand's northern-most province and shares its border with Myanmar and Laos. Chiang Rai has colorful customs and an unchanged way of life which gives a generous glimpse of its traditional lifestyle. There's a large highland population of hill-tribes, with each tribe speaking a different language. There are a numerous tourist attractions featuring Buddhist temples, shrines, and a lot of Lanna-style architectures which speaks volumes of history of Chiang Rai.

The most famous tourist attraction in Chiang Rai is the Wat Phra Kaeo, which is famous for its Emerald Buddha, which was later shifted to Bangkok. The Gate of Siam is also a much frequented place and its one of those few places from where you can witness a panoramic view of the mighty Mekong River. Wat Doi Se Tung is another very important temple in Thailand, and it is believed to have the left collar bones of Lord Buddha enshrined in the twin pagodas. The way up to this mountain shrine offers fantastic views; a shutterbug's true delight. Apart from the historical attractions, Chiang Rai has a lot on its platter to offer to travelers. It's also a place where you can get fantastic souvenirs and a splendid cuisine for the culinary traveler.

Chiang Rai being a picturesque city, offers many sightseeing opportunities, and the best way to get around is bikes. They are readily available too, and you can set out at your own convenience in a relaxed mood. Car rentals are also easily available and it would be worth while to explore the surrounding areas, for which Chiang Rai serves as a good base to explore. Apart from a number of tourist attractions in the city, visitors can also enjoy a scenic drive to the city of Chiang Mai, which takes around 3 hours by car. For a more relaxed vacation, you can also try out the two international golf courses, Santiburi and The Old Airport, located outside the city. Chiang Rai is served by an international airport, and travelers can also arrive in the city by road directly from Bangkok.

Getting an accommodation in Chiang Rai is easy and Chiang Rai Hotels offer varied options, and travelers can choose from bed and breakfast types to luxurious ones. Travelers will find a host of desired facilities and services, and surprisingly, Chiang Rai hotels are also affordable at the same time. Most of the hotels in Chiang Rai are located in scenic surroundings and offer ample glimpses of the local life.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Travel In Bangkok: How To Find The Right Transportation For Day Tour

Travel in Bangkok sometimes never easy for many of foreigner tourists as there are many kinds of public transportation available. Moreover you may find that if you want to go to some area that there is only one type of transportation could access to. Therefore, it is very essential for foreign tourists to study all of the details concern to transportation in Bangkok in order to save time of your travel and protect you from accidentally lost. The following article gives in-depth guide about public transport, which you can choose effectively to save your time and money. It is unlike kind of general guide that you can find anywhere else on the internet because this article was written by Thais who live in Bangkok for more than twenty years so you can rest assure that you will get information from an expert.

There are two types of the Mass Transit in Bangkok, the BTS SkyTrain service and the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Subway service so they have simple map that you can understand easily but these types as the following are more complicated than the Bangkok Mass Transit.

1.Tuk Tuk (three-wheeled taxi)
For some of you who have already visited Bangkok for few times may be familiar with this kind of transport. They are a kind of non-air condition taxi, which you can ask them to take you to anywhere in Bangkok area. The most distinct advantage of using Tuk Tuk is the price is really cheap and you can negotiate for the fare before you decide to take it. The first rule of thumb of using Tuk Tuk is you MUST negotiate to get cheaper price and this is possible. Normally you can negotiate for up to 50 - 100 Baht less that what the driver offer, if the driver refuses to discount, do not waste your time with him, and just go for another one. However, by taking Tuk Tuk, apart from you can get cheaper price, it is also allows you to see outside environment when you travel so they are quite suitable for some of you who love open-air transport and enjoy Bangkok sightseeing. There are some cautions that you have to consider when using Tuk Tuk, you must choose the car that in good condition and has valid yellow registration plate. It is also possible to ask to see driving license of the driver in case of emergency and while Tuk Tuk is running, you should be careful and hold the rail of a car tightly, especially if you have your child, you must hold them with your body for safety while Tuk Tuk is running too.

2. Bus
It is quite common for Bankokians to take bus, but for foreign travellers, especially first time travellers to get confused. This is because there are almost five hundred bus lines throughout Bangkok. However, bus is the cheapest transport in Bangkok. There is information about Bangkok bus line available in tourist information center around Bangkok area. The disadvantage of bus transport is you have to know the name of destination that you are going to visit, so it seems to be very difficult for first visit travellers. Therefore, if you intend to use bus as you major transport, make sure that you study about bus routes, number as well as the name of destinations that you are going to visit.

3. Air-conditioned taxi
This is probably the most convenient way of transport and it is also cost a lot too. Fare is varied depends on the distance of your travel. The distance and fare will be automatically calculated by electronic meter so you do not have to ask for fare quote or make negotiations. All you have to do is know the name of destination and tell the driver.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rayong Hotels- Quintessence of Style and Sophistication

Rayong, once a drowsy town has magically transformed itself into one of the blooming tourist destinations. Connected with the Gulf of Thailand, this conglomeration of 10 islands is an upcoming tourist hub in the South East Asia. Marvel at the beauty of the odd shaped rocks, the islands and the marine resources and gaze at the beauty of the rippling waters and the rising sun. Nature lovers and sports enthusiasts from all across the world come to this town for self- indulgence. Be a part of the Rayong Fruit Festival when the town produces the highest count of fruits. Enjoy all these and a lot more while you spend days of comfort in the Rayong Hotels.

Most of the hotels in Rayong are located in the beach areas. Some of the most renowned hotels in Rayong are Baan Pae Cabana, Hinsuai-Namsai Resort Hotel, P.M.Y. Beach Resort, Purimas Beach Hotel, Star Hotel and others. Stay in the hotel and explore the pristine beaches during your leisure. Lay back in the sun soaked beaches or captivate the beauty of the scenic waterfall in your camera. Travelers can hire a room that offers excellent view of the crystal clear waters, the blue skies and the palm fringed coastlines.

Apart from the budget hotels in the town, there are several luxurious accommodation options to choose from. Be it your business trip or your honeymoon, the hotels in the town are there to satisfy your needs. Most of the hotels and the resorts are well connected and are easily accessible from any part of the world.

Most of the Rayong Hotels in Thailand offer well appointed rooms and suites. There are a variety of rooms to choose from. While professionals can choose from the executive rooms or suites, physically challenged individuals can board the disabled rooms. The rooms of the hotel feature a number of basic amenities that are a must. Feel pampered while availing the room service that is offered to bring a smile on your face.

Rayong is renowned for seafood delicacies. Lovely preparations made from sea food and tropical fruits top the list of favorites. Enjoy all these and a lot more in the on-site restaurants of the hotel. There are many hotels that also care for the drinking needs of the travelers. There are bars that serve guests with a variety of drinks. The business facilities and the recreational amenities offered to the guests also include a number of other amenities.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Pattaya Hotels And Resorts Guide Provides A Brief Summary

The Pattaya hotels and resorts guide provides a brief summary, customer ratings and reviews for hotels or resorts. It is only a 10 to 15 minutes drive from the hotel to most part of pattaya city and Jomtien beach. If you do not see the hotels list in Pattaya click here. from South Pattaya.The hotel low rise buildings are set amidst a tropical landscape of lawns, pools and tropical trees. Secure your premier Pattaya hotel bargain now by booking your stay at the Hotel below. Ideally located at the very pulse of the city, Century Pattaya hotel is the ultimate center of all. Book your Pattaya hotel stay safely, securely and without worries. Agents rates for on-line bookings at international class hotels in Pattaya. For others types of rooms, please use the search box and check rates for Pattaya hotels.

Each of the hotel's 300 rooms has a private balcony and panoramic view of Pattaya bay and the offshore islands... For others types of rooms, please use the search box and check rates for Pattaya hotels. Each of the hotel's 300 rooms has a private balcony and panoramic view of Pattaya bay and the offshore islands. Each of the hotel's 300 rooms has a private balcony and panoramic view of Pattaya Bay and the offshore islands. You may also view Pattaya lodgings and hotels alphabetically or Pattaya hotels and rooms sorted by price.

Nightlife beyond Pattaya's hotels is more liberated, with discotheques, transvestite cabarets, nightclubs, karaoke bars, go-go bars and open-air bars. Each of the hotel's 300 rooms has a private balcony and panoramic view of Pattaya bay and the offshore islands... Each of the hotel's 300 rooms has a private balcony and panoramic view of Pattaya bay and the offshore islands. Each of the hotel's 300 rooms has a private balcony and panoramic view of Pattaya Bay and the offshore islands. You may also view Pattaya lodgings and hotels alphabetically or Pattaya hotels and rooms sorted by price.

You may see below comprehensive listing of Pattaya hotels sorted by price. Spend a thoroughly entertaining vacation in comfort and privacy at sunbeam hotel pattaya. The sunbeam hotel is situated in the heart of pattaya between beach road and pattaya 2nd road. The Sunshine hotel is a low rise building set in lush gardens in North Pattaya, close to shops and nightlife..... Travel Library always lists the real direct contact details for every Pattaya hotel including email, web site address, telephone and location address.

Diving, Rock Climbing, Spas, Canoeing, Kayaking, Natural Spring Pools - All at Krabi

"What is there in Krabi to do?" There is a crazy lot of adventures and fun that Krabi offers travellers of all ages. Krabi in Thailand has much more to offer to visitors than any other place in the Kingdom, and one might even add, than in most places in South East Asia. With a good combination of adventure, relaxing, shopping and food, you will not find yourself lacking great activities. Plus, the newly built Krabi International Airport is wonderfully clean and efficient. Read on to find out more about just a few of the many things that Krabi offers the traveller.
Scuba diving - Undoubtedly Krabi is the gateway to the Andaman Sea of Thailand. From Krabi, you can launch off into the various dive locations : Phi Phi, Similans, Phuket, Hin Daeng & Hin Muang, Lanta. Apart from colour marine life, sightings of whale sharks, mantas, leopard sharks and sting rays, also expect to have some fun weaving through the caves and caverns which make Krabi and its surrounding areas such a great adventure. We have of course the full range of dive courses for you to choose from. Our experienced instructors have at least 7 years' each of diving instruction in many parts of the world. Simply book your dives and courses with us and we'll take care of the rest for you.
Snorkeling - Untainted hard and soft corals are found just off the shorelines of Krabi, making it the perfect residence of marine fish life. Some of the best snorkelling in Thailand is found just off Krabi. At KrabiDivers.com, we will take you to explore the crevices and caverns just off our shores, offering an exciting day out for all snorkellors!
Rock climbing - Krabi is enveloped by many limestone and hard rock mountains, making its terrain ideal for both experienced rock-climbers and those who want to try out this sport. Afraid of heights? Don't worry, there are many levels of rocks and we can help you book your rock-climbing lessons with a reputable and reliable instructor.
Sea Kayaking & Canoeing - Amidst the many rock islands that surround Krabi are many waterways which twine through water pools that are perfect for kayaking. Even those who have not tried it before will easily do so under the guidance of your experienced leader. Take half a day out and explore the ravines that surround the Krabi region. KrabiDivers.com will help you arrange a great day out for you and your family and friends.
Jungle Trekking - Krabi region is surrounded by fabulous mountains and hills that makes your holiday a complete adventure.
Elephant Trekking - What a novelty! Imagine mounting one of these gentle giants, and let them take you on a hour-long trek through the jungles of Krabi.
Emerald Pool & Crystal Pool - Believe it or not, there are some natural water pools filled with cool spring waters from the surrounding mountains tucked in the middle of the forests in Krabi. Take a tour with KrabiDivers.com, and visit some of these natural spots and have a dip in the cool shallow water. Great especially for kids.
Spas & Massage - You cannot visit Thailand without going for one of the local Thai massage. Choose between an oil massage and non-oil, and let the skilful hands of the experienced masseuse rub away all your aches and pains. Wonderful especially after a day of diving or trekking. Something that everyone gets pretty hooked on!
Large variety of hotels and resorts - From budget to luxury, Krabi has it all. Coupled with the hospitable service of the friendly Thais, you can pick from a wide selection of resorts and hotels according to your requirement. KrabiDivers.com is a privileged partner with many of the hotels and resorts to offer priority booking for rooms in high season (Nov to Apr) and preferential rates for our guests. Let us help you with your booking.
Krabi has so much to offer the adventurous visitor. At KrabiDivers.com, we believe in giving our guests a total experience of what Krabi can offer. If you are interested in any of these, simply drop us a request - and we are pleased to recommend to you some of the best Krabi has to offer. There is simply so much to do.
